Best Combat Knife for Everyday Carry

As is quite evident from the name, a combat knife is generally used in a war type situation, or for general self-defense purposes.  So if you ever do find yourself in need of a combat knife, you better have the best combat knife possible.


Best Combat Knife - Cold Steel Recon 1

Never bring a knife to a gun fight!

Remember that old saying? It still holds true, but hey, a combat knife is a heck of a lot better than nothing. Having a combat knife tucked in your pocket could save your life, so selecting the best combat knife is essential.

Though the name suggests combat knives to be used in self-defense type situations, they can also be multipurpose knives as well. For instance you can use them as a utility edc knife quite easily.

Some general uses that come to mind could be clearing shrubs, chopping branches, opening shells or grenades (you never know right?). This is why they are sometimes referred to has fighting or utility knives.

The major benefit to having a combat type of knife is the sense of security it provides, or that sense you have something to rely on in that time of danger. Although it’s primary use may be for military purposes, there are certainly other scenarios one would come in handy.

For instance, you could keep one in your home in case of an emergency, and provided you are skilled enough to use it safely, you could defend off a home invader. Or perhaps you could keep one in your vehicle to defend yourself against a car jacker.

You get the point, there are many scenarios that could unexpectedly arise that you could benefit from having a good combat knife.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a combat knife
  • Make sure the knife is easy to handle, easy to grasp in your hands
  • The primary use of a combat knife is for self-defense purposes, so make sure to choose a knife with a large enough blade to do damage, cut nerves and organs, render your perpetrator helpless to give yourself the advantage. This could be a touchy subject some, but when your life is on the line, I want to be certain I can adequately defend myself.
  • Combat knives with deep finger grooves could potentially hinder your grip, sounds strange I know, they are designed to enhance your grip. In reality they just look cool. If you’re fighting and need to change grip on the fly, well you only have one to choose from, where the groves are. If you need to flip the knife, or it spins and you don’t line up the grooves your grip on the knife suffers. So keep that in mind, finger grooves are ok, but not too deep.
  • If you carry a folder for a self defense knife, I would tend to favor a folder with an assisted opening and strong lock. 
  • Weight of the knife is a major factor as well, lighter knives are easier to maneuver in a fight. However, a heavier knife can feel better in your hand and give you that sense that you’re a yielding a real weapon, if that makes sense. I’m sure there are varying opinions on this topic. These are just mine.

Final Thoughts on the Best Combat Knife!

Zero Toloerance Tactical Knife

The important aspect to keep in mind here is if you are trying to buy the best combat knife, you should really determine your intended use for the knife.

If you’re pending deployment or a civilian contractor protecting a high value client, a combat knife is an essential tool for you.

So you should buy the best combat knife you can possibly afford, it could save your life.

The thought that you are willing and capable of defending yourself could be just enough to scare that would be burglar off your property.

Here are a few folding knives that could easily be used in a combat type situation.

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